Self Healing

Self Healing

Funny Games and Workout Apps

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2024-04-05 11:31:20

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Lollipop 5.0

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About Application

Self Healing is our humble effort to bring spiritual, physical and mental health along with happiness in your life. This Self Healing app contains healing sessions and content from different topics like as Meditation, AUM Chanting, Touch, Food, Crystals, Indoor Plants, Pyramids, Prayers and many more. It is possible to heal any disease without medicines and doctors. Human is mind with body. Mind is the supreme. It has unlimited potential. Imagination is the only way to tap its full potential. Healing is the process of the restoration of health from an unbalanced, diseased or damaged organism. The result of healing can be a cure to a health. Meditation helps release stress from the mind and body. When the mind is quiet, the emotions are balanced and to stay healthy. Daily practice helps release deeply stored stress in the system so that the mind is peaceful, happy and free. With such a frame of mind, you naturally tend to feel more energetic and work effectively. There is improved focus and better results. Meditating in a group is very powerful. The shared intention of the group elevates each individual. When one or more gather with the intention to heal and grow, great shifts can occur. The group’s collective energy has a massive impact on the world. Aum is a universal mantra for all people.OM or AUM is the most important and significant word of Mantra tradition. It is considered as the root mantra in all Vedas. Seven chakras are the center in our body in which energy flows through. “Chakra” is a Sanskrit word literally meaning "wheel". Blocked energy in our seven chakras can often lead to illness. Crystals have different energies and properties and it can affect on mental, physical, spiritual and emotional aspects of our selves. Simply holding the right crystal at the right time can bring about a change in our attitude and well-being. The Healing Foods Diet consists of eating equal amounts of protein sources, healthy fats, and carbohydrates in the forms of fruits and vegetables. Indoor plants can actually improve the flow of positive energy into a space. Certain plants are able to purify the air, while others can provide a sense of well-being, peace and even stress relief. Music healing is based on the principles of resonance, entrainment, and intention. Pyramid is a device with energy at its center. ‘Pyro’ means ‘fire’ or energy and ‘amid’ means ‘center’ or within. Sunlight can reduce anxiety, nervousness, depression, and other health issues. The sun can recharge to all living organs. It is composed of ultraviolet light which the body needs for optimum health. Healing Touch is a relaxing, nurturing energy therapy that helps your body rest, restore, and rebuild. Healing Touch brings harmony and balance to the human energy system creating an optimal environment for the body's natural ability to heal. Healing Touch concentrates on the energy center and bio-magnetic field that surrounds the body. 100% Genuine, Powerful and New Trend in Meditation yoga tricks, Ideally Self Healing is for better Health

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Funny Games and Workout Apps

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